Server Info

Here are a few specs of the server:


* Base Level/Job Level/Drops/Cards: 50k/50k/75%/5%
* Max level Base/Job: 400/70
* Max stats: 400
* Max ASPD: 197
* InstantCast: 200 DEX
* Status Immunity: 250 VIT

Server Host::

* Updated eAthena SVN Trunk
* Uptime: 24/7
(except scheduled maintainence)

* Server time: -1 GMT


* Custom Storyline
* Daily Events
* Armor Slots: All [2]
* Custom NPC's: EDP Seller, Alchemist Shop, Over 50 Custom Quests
* Custom Stylist: 43 Hairstyles, 251 Hair/Color Combinations, 533 custom palettes
* Satan Morroc, Endless Tower
* Custom PvP Arena - Warp to PvP
* WoE + WoE 2.0
* Custom Maintown: Prontera


* Registration: Got to our Control Panel and type in your desired log-in name. This name is only used to connect to DarkLightRO, and will not be the initial name of your character.

* We have an active mIRC channel. Server: Port: 6667. Channel: #DarkLightRO.

* Rate My Server: Reviews